A wonderful, experience with this father and son team.
Christmas is right around the corner and here at DNA Father and Son’s Electrical in Corby we want to help you to ensure the big day goes off without a hitch.
Sadly, we can’t help out with cooking, but we can help you to keep your home and family electrically safe. Our electrician’s gift to you are these tips for electrical safety at home this Christmas.
Top 5 Christmas Electrical Safety Tips
To help you stay safe at Christmas, one of the best things you can do is practice good electrical safety habits in your Corby home. In case you need a reminder, here are our top 5 Christmas electrical safety tips.
Inspect Your Lights
Every Christmas, when you bring your decorations and lights out of storage in the loft or garage, give them a thorough inspection. Being stored away haphazardly, subjected to temperature fluctuations, or mishandling by children can all cause damage to your decorations. Around 1 in 40 people have had an electric shock from damaged Christmas lights, so to help prevent this from happening to you, always give yours a quick check. Have a look for any signs of damage to the power cord, make sure the plug is properly fitted and look out for broken bulbs. If you find any damage, it is best to discard that set and buy a replacement.
Don't Overload Your Plug Sockets
Christmas lights are undoubtedly one of our favourite parts of the festive season and create that magical Christmassy atmosphere. For many Corby homeowners, the problem is where to plug them all in! Overloaded plugs sockets are a fire hazard, particularly if you are using extensions cords. Make sure you don’t plug too many electrical items into each socket and be wary of the overall load a socket can support to reduce the risk of fire. If you find you are struggling to create the Christmas lightscape of your dreams due to too few sockets, consider calling in your trusted local electrician to add an additional socket, right where it’s needed.
Be Aware of Power Cords
Make sure all cords and wires are tucked safely out of sight, where they can’t create a trip hazard or be investigated by little hands and paws. Take extra care when hiding wires though, as putting them under a rug can be a fire hazard.
Use the Right Type of Lights
Many homes in Corby like to go the extra mile and decorate the outside of their homes for all to enjoy. If you are planning on decorating the outside of your home this year, make sure you choose the right kind of light. Outdoor lighting is made to withstand the elements like wind, rain, and temperature fluctuations. Indoor lights are most definitely not suitable and using them could leave you with a nasty shock and damage to your electrical system. Another thing to consider is where you plan on plugging in your outdoor lights. Make sure you don’t leave outdoor extension cords trailing where they could trip someone. If your outdoor socket isn’t in a suitable place for your lights, your local electrician will be able to install a new one in no time.
Don't Forget to Turn Your Lights Off
Now that you’ve got your lights all set up and safely plugged in, don’t forget to switch them off when you go out or go to bed. If you don’t want to go around to every plug socket late at night, or advertise when you’ve gone out, then consider using a timer that will do the job for you.
DNA Father and Son’s Electrical are your local electrician in Corby. Fully qualified and NAPIT registered, our experienced electricians can help with all your electrical needs. Contact us today.